agosto 01, 2012

Last day at Southworks


Yesterday (July 31) was my last day at Southworks, the company I joined four years ago.

I really start this new phase of my career with some sadness, certainly, after finding an awesome group of people, an organization really close to my ideals around software development, and tons of very interesting projects.

I left Southworks with many lessons learned, a passionate development spirit we built in common, and many great friends who shared a lot of exciting work and fun.

But it was time to move on to new challenges. I'm getting involved in several new projects, and I hope to be able to start sharing soon some of the first outcomes from them.

The picture below is from last year's toast, with most of our team at the amazing lounge at the first floor.

Brindis a fin de 2011

Beside sorrow I also keep the satisfaction of having contributed to the growth of such a wonderful company. I will surely keep pushing for it from somewhere else, and with its people (current and former southies).

¡Warm hugs to all of my fellow southies!

4 comentarios:

Fabio Maulo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Seguro ya te estarán extrañando Tincho!

Unknown dijo...

ahh bue .. contá pronto que vas a hacer porque me intriga mucho ... y si necesitás una mano, avisá.

Ariel Schapiro dijo...

Sos un groso tincho! Me acuerdo cuando laburabamos juntos que no habías entrado en Southworks y despues tenerte en el team fue una alergia enorme y seguro de calidad. Hoy ya en otra etapa (para muchos) estoy seguro que nos vamos a seguir cruzando y colaborando.
